At De Zonnegloed, we believe that prevention, education, and awareness are the most powerful tools to promote animal welfare and reduce suffering in the long term. Our collaboration with temporary rescue centers like Stichting AAP and the Natuurhulpcentrum in Oudsbergen provides us with deep insight into the challenges of keeping exotic animals.
Exotic animals are traded globally, exploited in the entertainment industry, used for biomedical research, or kept as pets under often unsuitable conditions. This leads to severe physical and mental welfare issues. Through education and awareness, we aim to tackle these problems at their root.
Conservation Education: Raising Awareness
One of our key goals is not only to introduce visitors to animals but also to teach them about the value of nature and the importance of conservation. At De Zonnegloed, we achieve this through informative panels, feeding demonstrations, interactive games, and personal explanations from our caretakers. Additionally, educational videos and audio tours guide visitors through the park, providing deep insights into the animals’ lives and the importance of responsibly caring for our planet.
Our educational offerings inspire visitors to take care of nature while aligning with our own sustainable initiatives. We continuously create more space for animals and plants, offer our animals enriched environments, and work toward ecological sustainability through the use of renewable energy and biodegradable products. Through education, we hope visitors become aware of the impact of their choices and learn how they can contribute to a better world for both humans and animals.
Animal Welfare Education: Responsibility for Animals
Our educational programs focus on fostering understanding of animals’ needs. Through audio tours, educational videos, interactive sessions, and demonstrations, we teach visitors that animals experience emotions like joy and pain, just as humans do. We emphasize the importance of taking responsibility for ensuring both the physical and mental well-being of animals.
We address the prevention of impulsive purchases of exotic pets and work to discourage animal abandonment. Through our educational materials, we inform people about the complex care requirements of different species, helping them make thoughtful decisions when it comes to acquiring and caring for pets.
Science and Research: Expanding Knowledge for a Better Future
Scientific research is an integral part of the work at De Zonnegloed. We conduct studies in animal behavior, welfare, and veterinary medicine, often in collaboration with experts. These studies enable us to continually improve the welfare of our animals and contribute to broader fields like conservation and zoology.
Some of our research includes studies on conflict behavior in servals, housing for wallabies, and the social behavior of primates. This knowledge is applied to optimize our daily operations and improve the living conditions of the animals in our care.
At De Zonnegloed, we work daily to promote animal welfare and conservation through prevention, education, and scientific research. By raising awareness and understanding, we aim to inspire meaningful action and a brighter future for animals and nature alike.