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Alpaca (Suri) Vicugna pacos

Animals in our sanctuary

Milagros (Male)
Date of birth
Date taken in

The animals from the time that De Zonnegloed was only an educational children's farm will of course continue to live on De Zonnegloed. Milagros is also an animal that was present from that very beginning before we became a Sanctuary.

Where does he feel most at home?

The alpaca are domesticated animals, but are originally from the central and southern parts of the Andes Mountains. Today you can find them in the USA, New Zealand and even in Belgium. Although you can find them worldwide, 99% of the animals still live in South America.

What's his favourite food?

The alpaca loves to graze. They will eat grasses, plants, browse and leaves.

Fun fact

The wool of the alpaca is a very important product because it’s a lot stronger than sheepskin. The weight of the wool will vary between 4 to 6 kg and is used for different purposes, e.g. shoes.


Adopt this Alpaca (Suri)