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Harris's hawk Parabuteo unicinctus

Animals in our sanctuary

Odin (Male)
Date of birth
Date taken in

Odin comes from VOC Braschaat. Odin is a bird of prey that was kept by private owners. They then deliberately let him go because they no longer wanted to take care of him. The animal now gets a worthy life in De Zonnegloed.

Harte (Male)
Date of birth
Date taken in

Harte comes from the VOC Heusden-Zolder. Harte was found in a forest, clamped with his leather belts (belts that are used for falconry). The animal was in very bad shape. But luckily he now gets a nice life in De Zonnegloed.

Where does he feel most at home?

The Harris’s hawks love to live in half open savannahs and semi-deserts found in South-America up to the Southwest of the USA.

What's his favourite food?

They love to eat rodents, like rabbits and rats, birds, reptiles and large insects.

Fun fact

Harris’s hawks are very quick learners. When they’re young they go and hunt together with an older hawk to learn the tricks of the trade. Because of this they are the favourite bird for falconry.

Adopt this Harris's hawk