Snowy owl Bubo scandiacus
Animals in our sanctuary
Sedna (Male)

Sedna en Nanoek werden samen binnengebracht op 28/01/2014 door Natuurhulpcentrum Opglabeek. Tijdens de Harry Potter hype hebben veel mensen zich voor zichzelf of voor hun kinderen een sneeuwuil aangeschaft. Snel komen ze tot de vaststelling dat deze dieren geen tamme huisdiertjes zijn. Het zijn roofvogels en kunnen gevaarlijk uit de hoek komen. Of ze ontsnappen, of men laat ze los of in het beste geval gaan de mensen het dier afstaan aan een opvangcentrum als het NHC.
Nanoek (female)
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Nanoek and Sedna were brought in together on 28/01/2014 by Natuurhulpcentrum Opglabeek. During the Harry Potter hype many people have purchased a snow owl for themselves or for their children. They quickly come to the conclusion that these animals are not tame pets. They are birds of prey and can become dangerous. Either they escape, or they are let go or, in the best case scenario, people will give the animal to a rescue center like the NHC.
Where does he feel most at home?
The snowy owl lives on the tundra and on the high plateaus above the tree line of the Arctic.
What's his favourite food?
On his menu are lemmings and moles, but also small hares, rodents, fish and birds.
Fun fact
The snowy owl defends his nest against predators very well. He’ll notices possible predators at 1 kilometre from its nest and attacks them immediately. Another bird species, the snowy goose, makes grateful use of this by nesting in the vicinity of a snowy owl. This also protects his nest against enemies. But the snowy goose runs a risk in this way, because he is also on the menu of the snowy owl.
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