Animals in our sanctuary
Date of birth
Date taken in
Pepoga was seized by government agencies at the airport. He and many other birds were discovered as ‘merchandise’ for the illegal trade.
Date of birth
Date taken in
Pootje werd geboren met een krom pootje. Ondanks dat het onmiddellijk gespalkt werd, kon de vergroeiing niet verholpen worden. Toch heeft ze, samen met haar ouders, een mooi leven gehad bij haar vorige eigenares. Toen hun vorige eigenares naar een rusthuis verhuisde mochten ze niet met haar mee, helaas. De ouders van Pootje vonden een nieuwe thuis, maar voor Pootje was er geen plek. Gelukkig dacht de eigenares aan De Zonnegloed en nu kan ze genieten van een heerlijk leven samen met de andere agapornissen.
Date taken in
Popy lived together with another agapornis, both were cared for by a family. When the family ran into severe financial problems, a bailiff suddenly stood at their doorstep. The family quickly took the birds outside and found a new home for them. Now they are safe here in a spacious aviary with the other lovebirds.
Date of birth
Date taken in
Leia comes from a private owner who received her and a male as a present. Since a cat was already kept as a pet, this present was not wanted at all.
Date of birth
Date taken in
Arobaini comes from private owners who had taken over twelve lovebirds from acquaintances. They were placed in a spacious aviary in the garden. After complaints from the neighbours about the 'twittering' of the birds, extra soundproof plates were placed and the night shelter was darkened. Unfortunately, this was not enough for the neighbours and the owners decided to give up the birds in order to keep 'the dear peace in the neighbourhood'.