Barbary Sheep Ammotragus lervia
Animals in our sanctuary
Itjane (Male)

Itjane comes from an animal park that closed its doors in 2020 due to the measures taken during the corona crisis. During that period, many zoos worldwide went under and suddenly hundreds of animals had to be taken in. Also here in De Zonnegloed we had a hard time, but still, according to our possibilities and capacity, we did everything we could to take care of several animals in distress. Itjane and five other Barbary sheep found a permanent home here; free from the danger of being euthanised.
Khamssa (female)

Khamssa comes from an animal park that closed its doors in 2020 due to the measures taken during the corona crisis. Not because of bankruptcy, but because the park didn't make enough profit. During that period, many zoos worldwide went under and suddenly hundreds of animals had to be taken in. Also here in De Zonnegloed we had a hard time, but still, according to our possibilities and capacity, we did everything we could to take care of several animals in distress. Khamssa and five other Barbary sheep found a permanent home here; free from the danger of being euthanised.
Tlata (Male)

Tlata comes from an animal park that closed its doors in 2020 due to the measures taken during the corona crisis. Not because of bankruptcy, but because the park didn't make enough profit. During that period, many zoos worldwide went under and suddenly hundreds of animals had to be taken in. Also here in De Zonnegloed we had a hard time, but still, according to our possibilities and capacity, we did everything we could to take care of several animals in distress. Tlata and five other Barbary sheep found a permanent home here; free from the danger of being euthanised.
Rabaa (Male)

Rabaa comes from an animal park that closed its doors in 2020 due to the measures taken during the corona crisis. Not because of bankruptcy, but because the park didn't make enough profit. During that period, many zoos worldwide went under and suddenly hundreds of animals had to be taken in. Also here in De Zonnegloed we had a hard time, but still, according to our possibilities and capacity, we did everything we could to take care of several animals in distress. Rabaa and five other Barbary sheep found a permanent home here; free from the danger of being euthanised.
Where does he feel at his best?
The male sheep prefers dry rocky areas such as mountains, valleys and high plains.
What does he like to eat?
Grasses, herbs, twigs and leaves
Fun fact
They can jump very high. From a standstill they can jump over an obstacle of 2m!
Adopt this Barbary Sheep