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Pony Equus ferus caballus

Animals in our sanctuary

Berlios (Male)
Date of birth
Date taken in

The animals from the time that De Zonnegloed was only an educational children's farm will of course continue to live on De Zonnegloed. Berlios is also an animal that was already present from that very beginning before we became a Sanctuary.

Alexia (female)
Date of birth
Date taken in

Alexia lived with three other ponies on a small farm. When the owners had to move to a flat, the animals could not go with them and they looked for a new home for the animals where they could be taken care of together. Fortunately, there was room for them here in De Zonnegloed.

Amalia (female)
Date of birth
Date taken in

Amalia lived with three other ponies on a small farm. When the owners had to move to a flat, the animals could not go with them and they looked for a new home for the animals where they could be taken care of together. Fortunately, there was room for them here in De Zonnegloed.

Lucky Dream (Male)
Date of birth
Date taken in
Lucky Dream

Lucky Dream lived with three other ponies on a small farm. When the owners had to move to a flat, the animals could not go with them and they looked for a new home for the animals where they could be taken care of together. Fortunately, there was room for them here in De Zonnegloed.

Spooky (Male)
Date of birth
Date taken in

Spooky lived with three other ponies on a small farm. When the owners had to move to a flat, the animals could not go with them and they looked for a new home for the animals where they could be taken care of together. Fortunately, there was room for them here in De Zonnegloed.

Where does he feel most at home?

The pony can be found worldwide and in every kind of environment.

What's his favourite food?

They like fruit and vegetables, grains and cereals.

Fun fact

Ponies sleep in very short periods of time. They do this both lying down and upright.

Adopt this Pony