Siberian eagle-owl Bubo bubo sibericus
Animals in our sanctuary
Siboe (female)

Sibu is one of the many birds of prey that are kept by private individuals in a much too small aviary or even tied up. Due to circumstances they are ceded or abandoned. Siboe was brought into a reception center and can now enjoy a new life in De Zonnegloed.
Bubo (female)
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Bubo was seized from a private owner. He was kept there for years as a pet in a far too small cage in the living room. Fortunately he could be taken out of this situation and learn to live like an eagle-owl again; flying around in a spacious aviary together with his peers.
Where does he feel most at home?
The Siberian Eagle Owl likes to live in the forests and plains of Siberia.
What's his favourite food?
When it comes to food, they will take everything they can from birds to mammals. Mice, rats, rabbits, hedgehogs, foxes, all kinds of birds, but also cats and bait ...
Fun fact
The Siberian eagle owl can sit dead silent and ‘rust’ for hours until a large prey comes crawling past. In one dive, the eagle owl catches the prey in the scruff of its neck and takes it to the plucking spot where it gets rid of the feathers and skin of its prey.
Adopt this Siberian eagle-owl