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Crested gecko Correlophus ciliatus

Animals in our sanctuary

Cecile (Male)
Date taken in

Cecile was seized together with 7 lynxes, 2 spectacled caimans, a tiger python and several other animals from private owners in Lithuania. The animals were kept illegally. Via Natuurhulpcentrum (BE) Cecile found a new home in De Zonnegloed.

Where does it feel at home?

The crested gecko lives in the bushes and lower trees of the New Caledonia archipelago.

What does it like to eat?

This gecko hunts insects and other invertebrates.

Fun fact:

It is remarkable that this species was considered extinct for a long time, but suddenly reappeared in 1994. Since then, the species has not only fared much better, but the cresed gecko has even become one of the most popular and most sought-after terrarium animals and is encouraged to breed in large numbers in captivity. This makes it one of the few species that probably owes its survival to the exotic animal trade. (Source:, 2021)

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