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If you would like to gift your adoption to someone else. Please write the name of the lucky person here. The certificate will then be in his/her name.
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The animals from the time that De Zonnegloed was only an educational children's farm will of course continue to live on De Zonnegloed. Corentin is also an animal that was present from that very beginning before we became a Sanctuary.
The animals from the time that De Zonnegloed was only an educational children's farm will of course continue to live on De Zonnegloed. Jodocus is also an animal that was already present from that very beginning before we became a Sanctuary.
The animals from the time that De Zonnegloed was only an educational children's farm will of course continue to live on De Zonnegloed. Nowenn is also an animal that was present from that very beginning before we became a Sanctuary.
De dieren uit de tijd dat De Zonnegloed nog enkel een educatieve kinderboerderij was, blijven natuurlijk ook op De Zonnegloed wonen. Joske is ook een dier die hier al van in dat prille begin aanwezig was voordat we een Sanctuary werden.
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