Greek tortoise Testudo graeca
Animals in our sanctuary
Francesca (female)

Francesca werd binnengebracht op 20/11/2017. De vorige eigenaar heeft altijd heel goed voor haar gezorgd. Het was een dier dat ze zelf al gered hadden van verwaarlozing ze was er toen slecht aan toe. Maar besloten nu toch om afstand te nemen omdat de eigenaars vonden dat ze niet de volledige zorg meer konden geven wat nodig was. Ze moesten vaak op reis gaan en moesten telkens iemand aanspreken om haar te verzorgen. Met pijn in het hart lieten ze het dier over aan De Zonnegloed.
Grace (female)

Grace was found in the wild and brought to a veterinarian. Grace has a chip, but strangely the number on the chip wasn't found in the database, so the vet contacted CITES. As no one came forward as the owner, we can assume that she was deliberately left in the wild. A Greek tortoise comes from a much warmer climate than ours and will find it very difficult to survive in the wild here. A new home was found for her here at De Zonnegloed.
Where does he feel most at home?
The Spur-thighed tortoise can be found in the Mediterranean forests, vast grasslands and steppes. They like to live in drier environments, but not nearly as dry as many other species of tortoises.
What's his favourite food?
They like grasses, plants and fruits.
Fun fact
Depending on the location the spur-thighed tortoises will go into hibernation during the winter months.
Adopt this Greek tortoise