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Black-tufted-ear marmoset Callithrix penicillata

Animals in our sanctuary

Vadim (Male)
Date of birth
Date taken in

Vadim, Zafar and Rabah come from the Wissel Zoo, an animal park in the Netherlands, which had to close its doors. De Zonnegloed adopted various animals that could not go anywhere else.

Zafar (Male)
Date of birth
Date taken in

Zafar, Vadim and Rabah come from the Wissel Zoo, an animal park in the Netherlands, which had to close its doors. De Zonnegloed adopted various animals that could not go anywhere else.

Where does he feel most at home?

The black-tufted marmoset likes to live high in the trees of the rainforests of Brazil.

What's his favourite food?

They like to eat tree gum, fruit, insects, worms and beetles.

Fun fact

Though the black-tufted marmoset lives in small family groups, it is believed that they share their food source, sap trees, with other marmoset groups. Scent marking does occur within these groups, but it is believed that the marking is to deter other species rather than other black-tufted marmoset groups, because other groups typically ignore these markings.

Adopt this Black-tufted-ear marmoset